12 Tips to Thrive through Lockdown


If there is one thing these lockdown times have taught me, it is this. We all react and respond differently. Our mental and emotional states of being can fluctuate day to day, hour by hour, even minute by minute. One moment we are rocking life as the homeschooling, totally onto it, working woman, yet the next we are a screaming heap on the floor. No one can quite comprehend the tornado that just blew through (or is that just me?).

I've complied a list of my own top well-being and self-care suggestions - to help you really thrive and not just survive this lockdown. They are things that can definitely help to turn down the stress, anxiety and overwhelm you might be experiencing and turn up your sense of well-being. So, here goes!

  1. Create structure around your day.

    Choose what time you will get up and start your day. Be consistent with that. Planning helps to reduce overwhelm and increase motivation to get things done.

  2. Get up and get dressed.

    I know we all have a laugh about zoom meetings in a shirt and pj bottoms - but if you are struggling to get going in the morning have a go at rising and getting dressed straight away. You might find doing your hair and makeup helps you feel good too - and ready to launch into your day with attitude!

  3. Get outside and move your body.

    Feel the ground beneath your feet, the wind in your face, the breath in your nose and the burn in your lungs. I'd add in here online classes as well are a great option - there are so many opportunities to try new things in lockdown (including virtual Pilates with us).

  4. Create opportunities for meaningful connection.

    Call a friend. Set up a zoom date with your mates. Join in opportunities for online events that appeal to you. You may be alone in your bubble, but you don't have to be lonely.

  5. Eat well.

    Keep a structure and routine to meal times, and eat nutritious whole sustaining food that your body will thank you for.

  6. Sleep.

    When you have slept well, everything is better and everything looks brighter. Clear your devices out of your room at night, keep a regular bedtime routine and time - and if you are feeling exhausted, it's ok to take a nap!

  7. Reduce the noise.

    By that I mean you might need to consider reducing your time scrolling social media or listening to news reports. Over consuming these things can act to amplify our anxiety and increase our confusion and mental fatigue.

  8. Reduce your expectations.

    Be kind to yourself. Prioritise what is important to you during this lockdown time and let go of your internal pressure to do all the things and be everything to everyone.

  9. Clear the clutter.

    Just a quick 10-minute clear up can do amazing things to clear and calm the mind. You know what they say - when you are surrounded by chaos, your mind feels chaotic, when the environment is ordered and calm so are you. This has been true for me.

  10. Find gratitude every day.

    Pull out your journal daily to record the things you are grateful for. If you take the time to look for it, you will find it. And when we focus on the good things around us we begin to change the way we think for better.

  11. Create moments of kindness for yourself and others.

    This will require us to dig deep into empathy and ask the questions - "What do I need right now?", "What do they need right now?". Once we’ve asked the questions and intuitively answered, the next step is of course to action that as best we can. It might be a long hot shower OR to knock off a to-do list. Maybe it’s to lay in the sun OR get in the garden and prune… YOU are the one who knows what you need most, and YOU have the ability to bring others into that love and kindness as well.

  12. Breathe

    Quite simply, when you are completely overwhelmed, put yourself in time out and just breathe quietly. In through the nose. Out through the nose. Research has shown this helps to calm the sympathetic nervous system down and eventually bring you back to a place of calm. Sometimes I pray while I breathe and use imagery. For example as I inhale I might pray, “I’m breathing in Your Peace, and during the exhale pray “I surrender”. Find what works for you.

So - Which of theses tips has resonated with you most? What’s your natural go to? Which will you be putting into action first? I’d love to know! Don’t forget to connect with me in my Facebook group where I will continue to share with you and offer lockdown nuggets of gold

Talk soon!

Vania x

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