An important update

One of the things I am most proud of as the founder of Studio Thirty Five, is that my small business has developed organically. As an ex-physio, mother of four, I had no background in business. I simply led from the heart, following where I believed God was leading me and responded to the people in front of me. From the very first postnatal class I ran in Nov 2015 through to where Studio 35 stands today. I look back over those 8 years and see so much growth and expansion.

If there is something I’ve learnt, it’s that following my intuition and gut is a strength. To do that takes courage. Change is a part of life. When we embrace it and move with it, we allow ourselves space to grow and experience new beginnings. 2024 signals a new beginning and a change of focus for me and Studio 35.

And so with anticipation and a big breath I share…

At the end of classes in 2023 I am handing the leadership and ownership of the Pilates side of Studio 35 to the very able hands of Alicia Mitchell. Alicia has been an integral part of the Studio 35 team since 2018. She is more than equipped to do an amazing job going forward. As I let go and hand the Pilates Studio on, I will be making room for what God has next for me, and to step more fully into developing my Health and Wellness Coaching work, which I love.

In many ways, nothing much will change. You will still get to enjoy the same classes you know and love. You will still enjoy Alicias expertise and care. You will still be challenged, stretched & strengthened. The main differences will be a new gorgeous location - just a stones throw from where we currently gather - and a new name - both of which will come when Alicia is ready to share. If you are a current or existing client, all of these details will be coming to you in due course.

I couldn’t be more at peace with this decision and its timing. I’m confident that Alicia is the right person to look after you all AND to further flourish and grow this business I started. Transition can feel uncomfortable, but we will do our best to keep you in the loop and answer any questions you might have.

With much love,

Vania x

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